Friday, November 14, 2014

KFC logo

Spaces where the one thing i fixed for the critique.

What can convicts teach us about graphic design HW

People are willing to pay for name brands more then one that is better. The logo also has a lot to do with people see the product.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Starbucks logo response

I think its good when companies update their logos to make them look newer and fresh. I like the modern take the companies are doing.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Movie poster HW Inception

I like this movie poster a lot because just from looking at it you can see your mind will be blown by it and its probably a movie you would want to pay close attention to while watching

Friday, October 10, 2014

Plot idea

The main character has 3 months to live, during the zombie apocalypse  and instead of feeling sorry from himself his and his friends go on a 3 month killing spree. But he finds a girl and doesn't want to die anymore.


Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Illustrator review

His work looks really cool cartoony and comic book like. its pretty cool to see basic things turned into something rather then huge works sometimes.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Ted talk

I think that the designs in the presentations were cool and i liked how they had a real world aspect not not crazy designs.

Friday, September 12, 2014

How to ruin a great design

Its crazy how a bad design can effect how people drive and live there life. When making a sign it seems like you have to account for how it looks and how easy it is to read. Sometimes less is more, others times more is needed. When designing something you want to make its different enough from everything else but not so different people don't understand it.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Questions being answered

Computer Experience: About 2 years of Photoshop, illustrator, dreamweaver, indesign, had some experience with flash. Mac and PC. Favor Macs

Experience with Photoshop and illustrator: About 2 years can do most things, can learn a lot more.

Home computer: iMac with Photoshop CS6

Major: Computer graphics

Hope to get out of the class: Learn some new things, make some cool things and have fun.

Favorite artist: Breathe Carolina

Favorite musician:Ronnie Radke 

Something interesting: My iMac has i pretty big graphics card, thats sweet.

Five line Story: 
Graphics are cool.
Technology is cool.
Music is cool.
I am cool
Poems rule.